What a simple DNA reveals about health, wellness and longevity
I recently found out that I should give up something I absolutely love – cheese.
Because a DNA test revealed that my body is slower at clearing toxic compounds, making me more susceptible to cell damage and ageing. Now that may sound like a giant leap from cheese board to future health, but I know now that when I’m congested, or struggling with a migraine, cheese may be the cause. Not eating it, the solution.*
There are, of course, more potent toxins out there than cheese, and that’s why, where possible, I avoid exposure to second-hand smoke and keep my alcohol intake low. I’m also mindful of barbeques as foods cooked at really high temperatures are harmful, in a similar way to cigarette smoke; creating toxins that need to be eliminated from the body.
I absolutely don’t mind reducing my intake of these things, I’m actually a fan of alcohol-free beers and gin, but I do mind giving up cheese and so I haven’t. I’m just mindful when I eat in, and aware of the risks.
Thankfully, my DNA test didn’t just reveal what I should cut out, but also what I should put in. Low histamine foods are my friend. That’s things like eggs, lean meats and non-citrus foods (broccoli, kale, berries and peppers…) Luckily these are things I enjoy and so I’m focusing on what I should put into my diet, rather than what I should take out, keeping in mind that health coach or not, no one is perfect!
Why take the test?
Let’s take a step back for a moment and look at why I decided to take a DNA test in the first place. As a functional health coach and trainer, I focus on the individual. Whether you work with me privately, or as part of a group, the advice I give you will always be tailored to your specific needs and goals – and also the lifestyle you live. This is something I’m passionate about. And DNA testing allows me to go one step further.
You see, DNA testing is based on your story. We are all unique and whilst genetics makes the world a more interesting place, genes can also have a negative impact on our health, leading to illness and disease. Genetic testing enables us to look for clues to manage our health and work to prevent illness and disease in later life.
When you take a DNA test – which is as simple as a do-it-yourself, at-home saliva sample – you’ll receive scientific data from 1 million + genetic variants and a really good understanding of where you are with your current health, and future risks. You’ll even have a scale of risk to specific diseases, so you’ll know if you are at high, moderate or low risk to things like heart disease, obesity or dementia.
Knowledge is power
Now it might seem scary, and I know some people just wouldn’t want to know, but here’s the best bit… knowledge is power, and you can use this information to take small steps to better your health, both now and in the future.
Take Emily. A DNA test told her she was lactose intolerant, something she’d suspected for many years. She also found out that she needed to alter her eating to a high fat diet. The results were incredible. In as little as 12 weeks she shed a stone and a half (approx 6.6kg), and she’s managed to keep the weight off more than 18 months later, by continuing to eat in a way that she now knows is better for her.
Joel, another client, was focused on muscle building but often suffered from a weakness in his back and muscle damage. His DNA test confirmed he was at higher risk of muscle damage which heightened his risk of exercise-induced muscle damage. Now he understands he needs to spend more time on his post-workout recovery, and he’s made yoga part of his weekly routine. Joel has also moved to a more Mediterranean-style diet with great fibres, proteins, oily fish, omega-3s, pomegranate, polyphenols and olive oil. And takes a supplement of curcumin with piperine which lowers inflammation and improves metabolic health.
All of that from a simple test.
Now you may think, from what I’ve said that I’m on a sales pitch, or that I’m working for a testing company. That’s not the case at all. I’m interested in longevity and taking steps now to give myself a better future and genetic testing has worked wonders for me, and as I’ve explained, many of my clients. It’s not just weight loss, energy and nutrition, we can discover things about cholesterol, hormones, skin elasticity, hair greying and bone mineral density. The opportunities are endless and the technology life-changing, so why not give it a go. You really have nothing to lose and a whole load of information to gain.
To find out more about DNA testing and the packages I offer, get in touch. And *if headaches and nasal congestion plague you, then be sure to consult your doctor as food may be the trigger.